Coleiras de adestramento são ruins para cães? O que são coleiras de adestramento exatamente? - Mundo Animalito

Training collars are bad for dogs? What exactly are training collars?

Are training collars bad for dogs? What are collars?  training exactly?

coleiras de choque são ruins para cães

Training collars They are also known as dog training collars, electronic collars or e-collars. These training devices work by first giving your dog a warning beep or vibration, which is followed by a remote shock if he doesn't stop the bad behavior.

Electronic collars are probably most commonly used in conjunction with electronic fences that activate the collar, which delivers a shock to the collar's contact points when your dog crosses the fence boundary. The level of shock your dog receives ranges from a tickling sensation to a more painful shock.

The idea behind the warning is that your dog will learn to associate the beep with the shock and will stop the bad behavior before a shock is necessary.

Although many dog ​​owners are shocked by the idea of ​​shocking their dogs, these collars – when used correctly – can be an effective behavior modification tool.

Why are they used?

Training collars can also be quite gentle if set up properly. Although it is an aversive training method that uses negative reinforcement, it can be useful for dogs that are resistant to other methods to reduce their undesirable behavior. For dogs that routinely like to get out of the yard and roam the neighborhood, using training collars can even save their lives.

The idea is that once your dog understands the connection between the shock and the behavior, he will likely stop or at least not do it as much. There is a caveat here, however, because it is possible that your dog don't associate your bad behavior with shock. In that case,  the training collar  would have little effect.

The collar can also make the situation worse. If, for example, your dog is acting out because of fear, a training collar may make him more fearful and cause his behavior to get worse, not better.

That's why you should be very careful when using these devices. It’s a tough decision to make, so let’s consider the pros and cons of training collars.

What are the advantages of using dog training collars?

coleiras de choque são ruins para cães

Despite its bad reputation, there are a few reasons why someone might choose to wear an e-collar. First, it allows you to correct behavior problems remotely. Other types of training methods only work when you are around your dog, but that is not the only time he may engage in unwanted behavior.

Electronic collars allow you to get your dog's attention even when he's not around. You've probably been in a situation where your dog sees something and runs after it, barking non-stop. You can scream, but he's not listening.

This is when a training collar  may be useful. This will get his attention and make him stop the bad behavior. This is also useful for dogs that do not respond to voice commands.

Another benefit of the way  training collars work is that you don't need to be there . When you use a dog training collar in combination with an electric fence, you can stop these aggressive behaviors, barking, and your dog's tendency to run around the neighborhood when you're not around.

If you don't address these types of behavioral issues, other people will, and you don't want that to happen. Additionally, when dogs consistently display aggressive behavior, they can pose a real threat to other animals or people. This could mean that you may be legally required to euthanize your beloved pet.

Training collars can be effective in suppressing unwanted behaviors, however, and what's more, they give your dog instant feedback. Another advantage is that collar training  training does not even require your presence to be used. You can use a remote control to give your dog a mild shock, and by doing so, he will not associate it with negative feedback.

Finally, e-collars are affordable training tools that cost much less than the services of a professional trainer. Still, you have to remember that you really need to do more than simply suppress the behavior, so dog training may be necessary in any case.

Try Positive Training Methods FIRST

pessoa treinando seu cachorro

If gentle training methods and positive reinforcement simply aren't working, you may need to use something more drastic. Typically, negative reinforcement training methods are not the most desirable ways to train dogs. But with certain behaviors, you must use effective training techniques or you will be doing your pet a disservice.

It is important to realize, however, that while a training collar may suppress unwanted behavior, it does not solve the underlying problem.

For example, many aggressive behaviors in dogs are the result of inadequate or incomplete socialization. To really solve this problem, you would need to work with your dog to socialize him better. Additionally, your dog may react to the pain of the shock with more aggression, not less.

The Cons of Using Dog Training Collars

Coleiras de adestramento são ruins para cães? O que são coleiras de adestramento exatamente?

Okay, so we’ve seen several pros of using training collars as a training method, but what about the cons?

First of all, it was scientifically proven that the most effective way to train your dog is through positive reinforcement training .

As the old saying goes, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. This is true of canine behavior just as it is true of human behavior. As a result, you should try a humanitarian training program first.

It's hard for most dog owners to imagine causing any kind of pain to their best friend, so they also prefer positive reinforcement methods. E-collar training is clearly a negative reinforcement training method. As such, it is less desirable, but how effective can it be?

One of the biggest cons of using aversive training is that it doesn’t address the underlying problem.

As mentioned above, e-collars can suppress unwanted behavior, but you really need to work on what is causing your dog to misbehave. Furthermore, there is potential for misuse and even abuse with electronic collars.

It's not so much that the owner will shock the dog too much, although that can happen; It's more that, since you're not there to control the frequency of the electric shock, automatic collars and electric fences can deliver too many shocks or even shock your dog unintentionally.

Reinforcing undesirable behaviors

meu cachorro faz xixi quando está excitado

If this happens, your dog will only become confused and may also become anxious because of it. If your dog begins to associate fear with people, objects, or situations because of the e-collar, this can create other behavioral problems .

For example, your dog may develop a fear of going outside because he is confused about when he is getting a shock. He just associates it with being outside.

This is exactly the opposite of the behavior modification you were trying to achieve. Also, if you are using electronic fencing, remember that the fence shocks the dog when he leaves the yard. and when you come back. This may cause your dog to not want to come back home after leaving the yard. This is the opposite of the desired behavior.

Because there are so many disadvantages to using training collars, many animal lovers consider them inhumane. The potential for things to go wrong is high, as you are not always in control of the negative feedback your dog receives.

As a loving dog owner, you wouldn’t want to think about your pet being repeatedly shocked in your absence. Still, you may be wondering if there are less painful methods available, and the answer is yes. Let's take a look at some gentler alternatives.

Alternatives to training collars

There are many other options for behavior modification dog training. Of course, you can always work with a professional dog trainer to solve your dog's behavior problems. This is a more effective training method for aggressive behavior or other behaviors that need to be corrected when you are around.

For these types of behavior problems that occur when you are not around, there are others types of collars not shocking. For example, vibrating collars get your dog's attention with vibration instead of shock. These can be equally effective and are useful for deaf dogs who cannot hear voice commands or a clicker.

Another type of collar that is useful when your dog barks too much is the bark collar. Many of them emit a burst of citronella or air that gets your dog's attention. Others work by emitting an ultrasonic sound that only your dog can hear.

It is important to note that another dog's barking can trigger your dog's collar. It is best not to use it when other dogs are around. Additionally, some high-pitched barking does not trigger spray collars. Spray collars would be ineffective for dogs with this type of barking.

Still, these are much less problematic alternatives to e-collars or prong/pinch collars. If nothing else is working, you may want to consider this before shocking your pet.

Final Thoughts

treinamento canino

So what's the verdict on training collars? Like many things, it's complicated. Of course, positive reinforcement training methods are always preferable. But what if they aren't working and your dog is at risk of getting lost or getting into trouble that could result in you having to put him down?

In this case, a dog training collar may be a last resort option. If you absolutely must use one of these collars, adjust the intensity of the electrical current to the lowest shock level to do the job.

You want to be as gentle and attentive as possible when using aversive training methods. It's a good idea to only use it while you're nearby to control any potential problems. You can even pretend to leave, but come back to see what happens if your dog tries to do something bad. This way, you can be sure that your dog will not be harmed by this training device.

You also want to make sure you purchase a high-quality collar. A high-quality collar should work as expected and not deliver unnecessary or overly intense shocks. It is also essential to adjust training once your dog's behavior has changed.

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